The Jojo studio

The Jojo

is a creative studio specialised in the design, programming and operating of automated scenic

parts for live events.

Drawing on our broad experience in the events industry, from touring shows to large international events, we are able to work with creative teams enabling a show’s full potential to be developed.





Jody 2

We identified the need for a new role in a Live Events creative team;

the Kinetic Designer.

the Kinetic


This figure does not replace any existing team members but adds value to the work of the rest of the creatives of any show with moving scenic parts; be it stage lifts, moving lighting and video trusses or even performer flying. We are looking at helping the show director tell the show’s story, not only via the use of lighting, video content, choreography etc… but to also make the automated scenic pieces be a part of said story.

We have observed how shows increasingly need to incorporate moving elements as part of their productions, and how generally this area is assigned to different creative members;

may it be the lighting
designer, the
choreographer or
the set designer.

Often generating amazing results, however on other occasions, it feels like the person assigned this role, either doesn’t have the time or the knowledge to make the most of the moving parts they’ve been given.
This can lead to pieces being underused or not integrated into other creative parts of the show to

their full potential.

Objeto Inteligente Vectorial
Objeto Inteligente Vectorial (1)
Objeto Inteligente Vectorial (2)
The role of a Kinetic Designer is to enable the full integration of all moving parts of the production into the design of the different creative aspects.


The killers

Show Programm and Operating


Sam Smith the Gloria Tour

Show Programming and Operating


Kendrick Lamar Mr Morale& The Big Steppers Tour

Show Operating


Company El Musical

Show Programming and Rehearsals Operating


The Smashing Pumpkins

Show Operating

Founded by Jody Diaz Francis (b. London 1981), this new project is the outcome of extensive professional experience of working on a broad range of shows; from Live Tours, to Corporate events or large scale ceremonies. In 2001, Jody embarked on his first world tour as a newly qualified sound technician, during which he became very involved with other departments; helping carpenters, lighting and even production.

By 2009 Jake Berry brought him in as the fifth carpenter on a five carpenter crew on the world arena tour of Walking With Dinosaurs; the tour where he would discover the world of scenic automation.
Helping the automation team at every opportunity, he slowly earned himself a position in the automation department, and by 2014 he came out of the tour as Head of Automation and main automation operator. That same year he managed to make his way in to the world of Automation Programming joining the Sochi Winter Olympics Ceremony Automation Programming team, also that year, consolidated his professional development, and marked the beginning of his career in the operating and programming of shows for events and touring. He subsequently founded The JoJo Studio in 2024 which was inspired to create the professional figure of the Kinetic Designer.